El Pueblo de los Gatos

Our adventures raising two kittens in El Pueblo de Los Angeles.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Chicken Soup

My search for wet food has ended. I know this sounds ridiculously cheesy, but I read about a food called Chicken Soup for the Cat Lover's Soul on PetFo. I hate those books, hate them with a deep and burning passion, but this food is really good. It has no by-products or fillers, is relatively cheap, and here's the best part... the kittens like it!

Rama wouldn't even touch Nutro Max, but Hamlet tolerated it. They both love Royal Canin cereal food, but I would prefer that they both eat some wet. There was nothing else available at PetCo, so I tried a place called Red Barn, which is what it sounds like... a big barn. There is so much stuff there! Felidae, Wellness, Innova, Evo, all the stuff I'd heard of but never seen. They both liked Wellness, but it gave them runny poops and was so expensive. So Chicken Soup it is! I hope they don't get tired of it.