El Pueblo de los Gatos

Our adventures raising two kittens in El Pueblo de Los Angeles.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Random kitty pics

Unlike Hamlet, Rama is totally acclimated to the TV. He came by for scritches while I was sitting on the foambag, watching Rescue Me. He agrees that Tommy is crazy, but does not think that Tommy should be with Sheila; we disagree on that point.

Meanwhile, Hamlet is busy discovering new hiding places. He is much less shy than he used to be, so yesterday he boldly crouched in the shoe rack, where he is only half hidden.

Why do his eyes photograph like this? Rama always gets red eye, which I can easily remove with iPhoto, but Hamlet's eyes turn blue and green. If someone knows the scientific reason here, please let me know.


At 1:30 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Cats get "pet eye" in flash photos like humans get red eye. You can correct this with Photoshop, though I have to think there must be a way to take flash-free photos:



At 2:59 PM, Blogger jancola said...

Thanks, good links. So blue eyes act differently in front of a flash than other cat eyes.

As for photographing them without flash... I'd love to, but unless they pose near the window, or under a convenient photo flood, not gonna happen. They are just too fast for low light.


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